Legal Notice

1/ Editor

Identity: Carlier Plastiques & Composites (capital of 7.500.000 €)
Headquarters :

RCS Arras

SIRET 438 336 851 00011
TVA FR92 438 336 851
Telephone (+33) 3 21 65 54 54

The Director of Publication of this website is Mr. Damien MARTEL.

The editor is Mr Damien MARTEL.


2/ Ownership of information and materials

© Copyrights 2019: all rights reserved to CARLIER PLASTIQUES & COMPOSITES SAS. The site is a work of the mind protected by the current legislation. All the elements that make it up, such as, the name, logo, drawings, photos, animations, downloadable documents and any other documents are the exclusive property of CARLIER PLASTIQUES & COMPOSITES SAS. To this end, any representation, reproduction, modification, commercial use or transfer to another site and/or any other medium is prohibited without the express written consent of the person responsible for publication. Anyone who fails to do so may be guilty of copyright and/or design and/or trademark infringement, punishable by two years’ imprisonment and a fine of €152,450. Only personal use is allowed.

3/ Validity of the information

All the information provided on this site is provided for information purposes only. Therefore, this information can under no circumstances be considered as a contractual offer. For more information, please contact us.

4 / Data protection

The personal information collected by means of electronic mail or forms is intended solely for CARLIER PLASTIQUES & COMPOSITES SAS; it may be stored and subsequently used to provide services or commercial offers. They will only be the subject of external communications for the sole purpose of management or to meet legal and regulatory obligations. Fields that must be filled in are systematically marked with an asterisk « * ».

The user is of course free not to fill in these forms. However, it is essential to fill in some of them in order to be able to respond to requests for documentation and newsletters.

The personal information collected may give rise to the use of the right of access and rectification under the sole conditions provided by Law No. 78-17 of the 6th of January 1978 on data processing, files and freedoms, through the intermediary of the services that collected the requested information.

This right of access can be made with the person in charge of the department:

– by writing to the following address:

Carlier Plastiques & COMPOSITES SAS
15, chaussée Brunehaut
62470 Calonne Ricouart

5/ Limitation of liability

It is the responsibility of the user of this site to take all appropriate measures to protect his own data and/or software from contamination by any viruses circulating on the Internet. In general, CARLIER PLASTIQUES & COMPOSITES SAS declines all responsibility for any damage that may occur during consultation of this site.

The messages you can send us transit through an open telecommunications network, so we cannot ensure their confidentiality.

6/ Applicable law

Any visitor to the site is considered to accept the application of French laws.

7/ Hypertext links

The establishment of a hypertext link to the site requires prior written authorisation from CARLIER PLASTIQUES & COMPOSITES SAS.

In any event, CARLIER PLASTIQUES & COMPOSITES SAS is in no way responsible for the content or products or services offered on the sites to which the site is linked by hypertext links or any other type of link.

8 /Hosting

Name or company name OVH

2 Rue Kellermann

59100 Roubaix
Téléphone 05 22 26 00 86

9 / Photo credits